
Dr Tsioutis – The Pandemic in Cyprus

Statistical analysis shows that at least 60% of the population of Cyprus will catch the disease. Dr Tsioutis explains however that this may be the case in a 1 year period, a 2 year period or even more. This is why the government of  the Republic of Cyprus has put forward such drastic restrictions to help defy those statistics. The statistics and outcomes from our neighbouring countries were evaluated and a plan was designed to prevent our community from reaching the dismal situations our neighbouring EU countries are facing.

We must all be brave and act smart. By staying home we protect our families, our neighbours and most importantly our loved ones who belong in the vulnerable groups. We can slow down the spread by staying home and limiting our movements to only the absolute essentials. 

There are currently vaccines which have been designed and rushed into clinical trials at phase I, however it might not be until the end of the year until we have an affective vaccine.  Until then no one can guarantee that the virus will not mutate.